Trademark Search:
Before applying for a trademark, it’s essential to ensure that your desired mark is unique and not already in use. Our comprehensive search services cover both local databases in India and international databases, providing a thorough analysis to avoid potential conflicts.
Trademark Filing:
The trademark application process can be complex and varies by jurisdiction. We assist with preparing and submitting your application in India and other countries, ensuring compliance with all legal requirements.
Trademark Renewal:
Trademarks need to be renewed periodically to maintain their protection. We manage the renewal process, keeping track of deadlines and filing necessary documents to ensure your trademark remains active.
Trademark Infringement:
In the event of unauthorized use of your trademark, we offer legal support to enforce your rights. This includes filing infringement actions, representing you in court, and negotiating settlements.
Trademark Licensing:
Licensing your trademark can be a lucrative way to expand your brand. We help draft and negotiate licensing agreements, ensuring your rights are protected and you receive fair compensation.